I am {finally} PREGNANT!

We are pregnant {or I am pregnant… I never really know what to say}!

I am {finally} pregnant! - BorrowedBlessings.net

This was written just after we found out we’re pregnant… but we saved it to post online after we told close friends & family.

I am {finally} pregnant! - BorrowedBlessings.net

Last fall, I shared that I had some BIG NEWS with y’all and many of you said you thought we were pregnant before you read the article. {Spoiler alert: We weren’t. We bought a house.} We actually, really, for-real are now pregnant and are so excited to share the exciting news with you all! No, I didn’t come up with a cutesy title for this news… it took me awhile to get started – I mean, how do you really go about sharing that the one thing you’ve been longing for your entire life is here?! Well, if you’re mean, you just blurt it right out. That’s about our feeling in general right now – just blurting it out, because we’re so stinking excited.

I am {finally} pregnant! - BorrowedBlessings.net

Back the train up, though… I know I said a minute ago that I’ve longed for this my entire life. Sounds a wee bit strange, amiright? I have literally had one goal my entire life {Okay, scratch that… I really, really, really wanted to be an 8th grade cheerleader}. Since 8th grade though, it’s been down to just the one big life dream: being a mom. My husband saw an old picture of my cousin and me as babies recently. I was holding her and smiling… Michael remarked that I was probably thinking “man I wish I could be this baby’s mom”. As funny as it sounds, it’s undeniably true. God planted an undeniable passion in me for kids {more specifically, being a mom}. I am so thrilled to see that seed come to fruition and watch Him work in my life.

How we found out
Tuesday, March 15 Michael texted me to ask if I started my period. It was due that day. I realized that I hadn’t been cramping or anything like normal, so I took a test before he got home. We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half and I hadn’t realized I was having symptoms, so I was NOT expecting a positive test. Just after I peed on the stick, Michael got home. I didn’t want to get his hopes up for nothing, so I took the test to the bedroom and watched it while he was taking a shower. Since we’d been trying for quite a while, I’m used to women posting on the TTC boards “Do you see a line now? Is the line actually there?”. I thought there might be a second line, but I was completely not expecting it so I didn’t believe it. By the time a few minutes had passed {the time frame when you’re actually supposed to check the test}, it was a pretty clear positive – but I still doubted it. I was completely in shock. I decided to take a digital test the following morning {I had one digital test on hand}. The next morning {after Michael left for work}, I took the digital test. It came up positive right away {well, as soon as the little timer bar stopped blinking}. My overwhelming emotion/reaction was still just shock. That night {Wednesday, March 16} I shared the exciting news with Michael. He was thrilled, of course.

I am {finally} pregnant! - BorrowedBlessings.net

If you’re anything like my mom, you have a series of questions now. Roughly 48 seconds after we told my parents, mom was all 20 questions on me… “Have you been to the doctor? What’s the date? How did you find out?”. I mean, I can’t really blame her, we are making her a grandma {you’re welcome mom}. To answer your nagging question, we’re now about 5 weeks along. I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled, but the big meanies didn’t have any appointments until I’ll be 8 weeks. The tentative due date, according to the ever reliable Google, is November 23 – the day before Thanksgiving. I’m sure this will move around a bit {and given that this baby will probably get a little stubbornness from both its mommy and daddy, there’s no way baby will come on the due date}. Anywhooo, it’s super early but we wanted to share the news with y’all. We would appreciate your prayers for the health and growth of our little turkey!

I will {OF COURSE} update you regularly. For now, I still hate pickles and am mostly just tired.  You can check out all of our pregnancy updates.  XOXO, Mommy + baby

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