Roar VBS Decorating: Preschool

Roar VBS Decorating: Preschool

Our preschool group includes kids who are at least 3 years old through those who haven't been to kindergarten yet (so 3-5ish years old). Check out these decorating pictures from our preschool area...
Roar VBS Decorating: Bible Story

Roar VBS Decorating: Bible Story

Our Bible Story leader is FANTASTIC, so I just hand over the book and she takes charge of the decorating for her station. She set up several areas within the Bible Story room so the team didn't have to change the decorations throughout the week. Here are photos and decorating notes from our Roar VBS decorations in the Bible Story station...
Roar VBS Decorating: Foyer

Roar VBS Decorating: Foyer

Our church foyer is the main entry point for VBS. This space includes our registration area, tshirt sales, photo booth and an activity area for kids with extra time. Check out photos from our Roar VBS foyer decorations below...